Sweet coffee is very desirable. Generally the sweeter the better.
Refers to the various tastes and flavors that occur in coffee. These need to be harmonious and in balance.
Not just flavor and aroma, but how pleasant flavor is.
High quality coffee has a delicate “tea-like” feel in the mouth and is rich and creamy. Low quality coffees have a heavy feel to the mouth.
Unusual flavors such as fruit notes are determined by the density of the coffee. Generally denser coffees are more acidic; high acidity is associated with quality and interesting flavors.
very desirable quality, genereally the more the better.
Are the various tastes and flavours that occur in the coffee harmonious and in balance.
Not just flavour and aroma, but how pleasant is the flavour.
If coffee has a delicate, tea like feel or is it more of a rich, creamy , heavy cup. Low quality coffees have a heavy mouthfeel.
Unusual flavours, such as fruit notes, are determined by the density of the coffee. Generally denser cof-fees are more acidic , high acidity is associ-ated with quality and interestiing flavours.
Back in the 70s when the first cappuccino landed in Melbourne’s own “Little Italy” – Lygon Street, Carlton, Melbourne’s future as the coffee capital of the world was sealed.
Building on this half a century tradition and our obsession with roasting the perfect blend, we at CM & Co continue to innovate and seek to contribute to the thriving Melbourne coffee culture. Our love for coffee, the perfection we strive for along with our deep understanding of the many variables that goes into making the perfect cup of coffee is what makes us and our coffee unique.
Our core philosophy is to make each coffee experience special by bringing you Melbourne’s own CM & Co’s range which is specially sourced from around the world and perfectly roasted with love and care right here in Melbourne, Australia.